We dedicate our comprehensive competence to your challenges


BILANZ and LE TEMPS have named the top tax experts and trustees for 2024 for the third time this year.

Former Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi created a catchphrase in his conversation with astronaut Claude Nicollier with the words “Joy reigns”! We are also delighted: T+R AG was once again honoured in this year’s BILANZ/PME Rating! Fortunately, we were even able to improve our position and now occupy the pleasing third place in the category of companies with 50 to 149 employees! A big thank you to our valued customers and employees for making this possible!


Alle T+R TaxFlash

Erbschaftssteuer in der Schweiz: Ein Überblick

Die sogenannte «Zukunftsinitiative» der JUSO sorgt derzeit für erheblichen Gesprächsstoff. Sie fordert auf Bundesebene eine

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Alle T+R TaxFlash

Wandeldarlehen – Attraktive Mittelbeschaffung für Startups mit steuerlichen Tücken

Für viele aufstrebende Startups ist die Suche nach Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten oft eine Her­ausforderung. Hier können Wandeldarlehen,

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Our business


With their extensive general know-how, our experts in the advisory services division develop individual solutions to meet your specific needs.


Auditing creates security and confidence – added values for your benefit. External and internal audits, verifications in special areas – our auditing expertise is at your service.


Every financial transaction has tax consequences. That makes it important to know the tax consequences of financial transactions in advance. We can help you.


With their extensive general know-how, our experts in the advisory services division develop individual solutions to meet your specific needs.


Auditing creates security and confidence – added values for your benefit. External and internal audits, verifications in special areas – our auditing expertise is at your service.


Every financial transaction has tax consequences. That makes it important to know the tax consequences of financial transactions in advance. We can help you.


Alle MWST Rechtsprechung MWST Zoom

Die MWST-Gruppenbesteuerung

Eine MWST-Gruppe kann erhebliche Steuerersparnisse mit sich bringen. Was sind die wichtigsten Eckpfeiler einer MWST-Gruppe,

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Alle T+R TaxFlash

Steuerveranlagung per A-Post Plus: Ab wann läuft meine Einsprachefrist?

«Gegen die Veranlagungsverfügung können Sie innert 30 Tagen nach deren Eröffnung schriftlich Einsprache erheben.» Eine

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Alle T+R TaxFlash

Lotto-Jackpot geknackt – den Fiskus freut’s

Haben Sie kürzlich den Jackpot geknackt und zählen sich nun zu den glücklichen Lottomillionären in

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Useful Tools

Tax calculations made easily with our online tax calculator.

Tax calculations made easily with our online tax calculator.